Jacob Larson, Mechanic
Jacob Larson
Jacob, or Jake, how we refer to him, has been with us for eleven years. Yup, you read that correctly. Eleven years! You could easily say that Jake is an essential part of our family, and if you know anything about this repair shop, it's that we're HUGE when it comes to things like family.
We have seen Jake grow up and become the man, son, husband, brother, and father he is today. We remember his skater days when he wore his hair long, and we also remember when his daughter "Lizzy" was born. We have personally witnessed the hard work he puts in daily to provide for her and his wife, Amanda.
As a mechanic, Jake has an immense affinity with German vehicles. He especially enjoys working on BMW's and MINI's. That is where his professional passion lies, unlike his brother Chris, who also works with us, who particularly enjoys the electronic side of European auto repair. See. Like we said above: we're all about family.
We are lucky and proud to have you in our family, Jake. Thanks for all you continue to do for us.